Manusi Black Diamond Mont Blanc, de alergare si schi alpinism
Manusi Black Diamond Mont Blanc, de alergare si schi alpinism
La denumirea manusilor, Black Diamond Mont Blanc, s-au inspirat de la legendarul
Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc. Cei de la Black Diamond s-au gandit sa fabrice manusi
foarte usoare, din material cu termoizolatie optima, cu rezistenta la intemperii, vant,
umezeala, cu respirabilitate eficienta. Manusile sunt fabricate din material elastic, se muleaza foarte bine pe mana. In palme sunt insertii din silicon pentru aderenta maxima la betele de tura, de alergare, de schi alpinism, la recipientele cu lichide si alimente si
alte obiecte de echipament. Degetul aratator si cel mare au contacte touch-screen.
Sunt prevazute cu o minicarabiniera din material plastic. Mansetele de la incheietura
se muleaza perfect pe mana, dar nu stranguleaza.
Greutate: 56 g / pereche. Zona termica recomandata pentru utilizare: + 4 g C – 4 g C.
Inspired by the legendary Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc race, the Black Diamond Mont Blanc Gloves are designed to shed light weather and breathe efficiently during ultra-races and other high-output alpine endeavors. The lightweight stretch fabric features a weather-resistant finish protects against foul conditions, and the textured grip palm provides a firm grasp on trekking poles, bottles and other essentials. The Mont Blanc also features digital fingertips that allow you to use your phone without baring your skin to the cold.
• Weather-resistant stretch shell
• Breathable stretch palm with patterned silicone grip
• Digital fingertips for gloves-on touchscreen functionality
• Low-profile stretch cuff
These gloves are built for maximum grip and dexterity to give you an edge for ultra-running and other aerobic, fast-moving pursuits.
• Thumbs and index fingers are touch-screen compatible