Lanterna, lampa frontala Black Diamond Spot 300 este o frontala foarte populara. Se poate utiliza de la patrularea de noapte pana la rapelul de dupa o zi lunga de catarare. Dispune de luminozitate de 300 lumeni si carcasa rezistenta la apa. Tehnologia PowerTap permite comutarea cu usurinta intre functiile lanternei. Cu modul de blocare a bateriilor frontala nu se aprinde accidental.
• lumina cu estompare
• lumina intermitenta
• lumina rosie
• lumina de proximitate
• mod de blocare
• Modul de noapte – cu iluminare de proximitate si lumina intermitenta.
• Design patrat, functioneaza cu 3 baterii AAA.
• Afisare nivel de descarcare a bateriilor
• Rezistent la scufundare in apa 1 m, 30 minute. IPX 8
• 1 TriplePower LED, 1 SinglePower LED, 1 SinglePower LED-rosu
• timp de functionare 30 h, distanta 80 m, luminozitate 300 lm
• timp de functionare 125 h, distanta: 3 m, luminozitate 6 lm
Greutate: 88 g inclusiv bateriile
Our legendary full-featured headlamp with a precise and powerful beam, waterproof design and our PowerTap Technology, the Spot now features an incredible 300 lumens and improved peripheral lighting for close-range tasks.
Our go-to headlamp for everything from midweek dawn patrols to all-night rappelling sessions, the Black Diamond Spot now features an incredible 300 lumens of adjustable light with a fully waterproof construction. In addition to its reliable, precise and powerful beam for spotting anchors or trail cairns, the Spot’s redesigned lighting profile offers improved peripheral lighting for close-range activities like cooking, reading or sorting gear, while simultaneously increasing the overall brightness. The Spot also features our Brightness Memory, which allows you to turn the light on and off at a chosen brightness without reverting back to full power. Seven different lighting modes, including red night vision, allow for fully custom lighting in any situation, and our PowerTap Technology makes for instant brightness adjustments.
One QuadPower LED and one DoublePower white LED emit 300 lumens
Red SinglePower LED for night vision has dimming and strobe settings and activates without cycling through white mode
PowerTap™ Technology allows instant transitioning between full and dimmed power
Sleek, low-profile design uses three AAA batteries
Brightness Memory allows you to turn the light on and off at a chosen brightness without reverting back to full power
Settings include full strength in proximity and distance modes, dimming, strobe, red night-vision and lock mode
IPX8: Waterproof-Tested to operate up to 1.1 meters underwater for 30 minutes. If submerged, water may enter the battery compartment and it will still operate, and it should be dried out completely afterwards.